Some boring yet useful admissions statistics...

Hello everyone, hope you are all having a fantastic summer break!

Before I start with the main part of the post, I just want to say a huge congratulations to those of you who got A level and GCSE results recently. The media seem to be unable to not mention the falling pass rates and grade fixing, so getting the results that you have been aiming for really deserves a celebration.

For those of you concerned with Medicine applications, it is getting close to that time of year again and so I'm sure that those of you who recently got your AS results will be browsing around as to which medical schools you will be sending your application off to. 

I thought that I would post some figures on the competition ratios for medical schools in the UK 
I do apologise that I have left a couple of universities out of the statistics - I just forgot to send them an email, although some universities did not reply to my email asking for the statistics (even though the law says they should have)! Never mind, I will try not to take it personally... 

Just a few things to mention before you have a look at the numbers: 
  • I have included the actual numbers of applicants, interviews and offers, but also included percentages as these tend to be easier to interpret 
  • Note that a university may seem less competitive on pure numbers, but this does NOT mean that it is easier to get into e.g. Cambridge has a higher percentage success rate compared to many others, but on average the profile of the candidates will be higher. 
  • Where it says UKCAT/BMAT score, King's College London is highlighted in red - this means that this score was a 'competitive score' and not necessarily the average score 
  • It is interesting to see how many offer holders select that university as their top choice (and so firm them). However, Cardiff seemed to imply that not a single applicant declined their offer which I find difficult to believe (hence it is in red) 
  • I have included the percentage of A level students that got at least one A* grade - this shows which universities value academic achievement more than others, and it is worth looking at these (as well as their admissions policies) to apply strategically and give yourself the best chance of getting in. Note that Scottish universities can have a disproportionate amount of A level candidates and so the percentages may not be reflective of how much the universities value academic achievement 
So bearing all of that stuff in mind, hopefully you can use this to help in your decision in choosing a medical school! The reason I am posting the figures for 2013 entry is that I may not get the 2014 entry figures in time for the UCAS application deadline, although I shall post them on here in due course
The Figures


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